Monday, March 7, 2011


It has been nearly a year since I last blogged and much has happened. I have much to reveal for whoever reads this crap, no one. But for myself it is a personal way to express an electric journal that as of now, have lots of time to fill.

We moved to South Africa after much debate to be close to my mum , Evie and yes, Hammy who is now married to Mum again. Tricky man, laying it on the table last year during our visit to Rabat, which was totally awesome and wonderful, refreshing, you name it. I always feel so renewed when I return for there. Perhaps the love I receive from Jadda and her hugs make me feel warm. I always receive a new scarf and bag full of goodies she has made in anticipation for our arrival. It's so beautiful there and will treasure the many memories there. Anyway, it is a good thing for now being back in SA. Joburg, no not really, but it was the only place Andrew could get a residency and obligated for 1 year. I am also close to Mita and my sisters who are no longer but can still hear them when I listen to the air. I understand now why people feel the need to be close to where a loved one has died. There is peace here, aside from violence and such. Andrew has mentioned yesterday that he hasn't seen this many stabbings, beating, shootings, etc since he was working for the Air ambulance in Liverpool. We had become complacent while in Canada. But the choice to move back to the UK fell through when his mother passed away and now put on hold. These decisions are difficult to make especially of where you are from, the roots of our mothers and where you like it best or the safest. I know Mum and everyone here will be safe, but my concern for my son is keeping me up at night. He does not understand the atmosphere of prejudice here and has already asked me why people hate each other and exposed to possible perils. Sad to think that after all these years I am now faced with it again but to a lesser degree. There is more tolerance, but more violence as well.

Happiness comes at a price, but we all prevail in the end somehow. Even in death. This was for a year and it is coming to a close soon, thankfully. UK is closer anyways and we know many people there. At least with writing, I can do that anywhere as long as I have an Internet connection and laptop.

The story is going good, but shelved until 2012 for rewrites and CREATIVE differences I am having a hard time adjusting to like the complete omission of an essential character! I was also asked to remove my posts regarding the content, ideas or segments whatever for...or as my editor put it, confidentiality. Issues with plagiarism there at the publisher. Not with me, but all represented authors were asked to keep contracted material and story plans quiet which disturbs me.

Soon. Soon, the dream will be real.

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