Sunday, October 25, 2009

Weekend offerings...

Well, as this weekend comes to a close, I have marked it in my journey as a good one because I accomplished quite a bit around the house as well as getting my work tasks completed.

Sometimes the brain works in over drive and snap everything you set out to do is accomplished. I suppose I deliberately had it in my mind that the end of this month will be difficult and really just want to focus on my family, and have decided to place positive energy into everything I do. I also made a to do list and for some reason find that if I have an actual list to cross of reather than just keeping the list in my head, I actually seem to get things done knowing I have something to cross off.

Andrew took our son to the store and purchased a cute giraffe costume and lots of decorations for the house. Somehow, miraculously he swung having next weekend off and said we are having a really good time with maybe a movie and dinner out (or the other way around) on Friday night with focus on Halloween treats for the kids till about 8:30 and off to our own Halloween party invited by one of his colleges on Halloween night. I am really looking forward to it, but haven't decided what to goes as just yet. Last year we went as cave people with both of us freezing our butts off. It was cold being half naked! So those costumes are staying in the basement. Still undecided for now and will have to discuss it with him later tonight.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Mia,

    Thanks for visiting my blog. I loved reading about your amazing Nightwish and Tuomas experience, so thanks for sharing it.

    Good luck with the writing!
