Monday, November 16, 2009

good things

Wow, I had not realized it has been nearly three weeks since I've blogged. The kid, husband and work have been really keeping me busy these days and have been bogged down putting together a new teaching module and exercise manuals for a major cable company here that has recently decided to change their employee training platform.

The company has expressed interest in working with me exclusively on a perm contract which made me really happy because it will keep me working on regular term. With constant upgrades, changes in their electronics and the coming digital migration in august will keep those manuals and work shops alive for a while. They seem to really like my work, especially the speed I've been able to push them out for edit and in time for the classroom. Once you done a few of them, you've done most of them. They're all the same, just different information.

Yesterday, I received a really nice demo tv coming out next year in the post to tryout for a new manual, but really have to say that the more crap a tv does the more confused the people will get. I'm pretty good at figuring things out, but sometimes trying to explain it on paperis a little difficult especially when you get frustrated with the product yourself. I DO NOT like it and find its operation very time consuming and wish I can tell them how I feel about their product and what I think they can improve on it, but confidentiality contracts are stiff and opinions are not appreciated. I do not want my a** sued so cannot say much about the product only that it SUCKS and glad my name does not appear on the manual.

The last few weeks have been really good with my family here in Canada. My son and hubby are doing great as I am...however, things with mum are not going very well. She has sold her house and has asked if I could come to ZA to help her out with the closing sale, removal and storage of her things.

My sister unfortunately, is unable to help out now because she broke her leg on her front step last week. A simple trip of the foot has turned disastrous and woop she is now in a a johnson sling with a rod in her femur and she can barely more. I have no idea what the hell happened. Karen is a runner and like every morn took her jog and apparently tripped over the front stairs at her home and landed on her side. Her doctor has said he is concerned with the break and measured her bone density and thinks she may have osteoporosis because her bones are brittle resulting in an very unusual break which rises concerns for all of us. I already take a calcium supplement on the advice of my wonderful husband who reminds me everyday to take care of my body because I only have one.

Since Karen cannot help mum I'm flying next week home to help out. Yeah!

I am very happy. However, have decided to leave my son home at with Andrew who has managed to take the week off. I am only going to be gone for a week. I simply cannot stay away any longer than that and already miss my little boy so much it hurts. But on the up side I will get to see many of my old friends, especially Mita who has been my lifelong best friend in the entire world.

A friend who travels two continents to be with me at my worst time is truly a wondrous person and I thank the lord he has given me her friendship. Time has tested us both in our relationships and experiences and we've both manged to do okay. I had the pleasure of seeing her in Toronto two years ago when her husband had a conference there and we were invited as a guest at the dinner and got to spend two days seeing the city. But most of it was just spending time with Mita sitting in the hotels cafe' sipping tea and having a few drinks later in the evening was best, just talking and remembering our times growing up, our futures and thoughts.

I've yet to call Mita and tell her my surprise. I would love it to just suddenly ring her bell and say HELLO when she opens the door and see the look on her face. HELLO! But really, I think it would be just too disruptive to just walk up her drive and say, "surprise!" It would be nice, and a hell of one, but I am a planner and like things smooth. Spontaneity is nice, but not for this situation. But still......Mita should be an actress! I can just see her flopping to the ground screaming out a laugh.

I am SO looking forward to going home for a while. It's been a while since I've stepped foot on ZA soil.

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